Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 23, 2008

"To Respect Child Rights is an Obligation, not a Choice"

Saya buka kembali buku hidup saya, sebagai bahan perenungan bagi para ORANG TUA...

Tahun yang lalu saya harus mondar-mandir ke SD Budi Mulia Bogor. Anak sulung kami yang bernama Dika, duduk di kelas 4 di SD itu. Waktu itu Saya memang harus berurusan dengan wali kelas dan kepala sekolah. Pasalnya menurut observasi wali kelas dan kepala sekolah, Dika yang Duduk di kelas unggulan, tempat penggemblengan anak-anak berprestasi itu, waktu itu justru tercatat sebagai anak yang bermasalah.

Saat saya tanyakan apa masalah Dika, guru dan kepala sekolah justru menanyakan apa yang terjadi di rumah sehingga anak tersebut selalu murung dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu belajar di kelas hanya untuk melamun.

Prestasinya kian lama kian merosot. Dengan lemah lembut saya tanyakan kepada Dika "Apa yang kamu inginkan ?" Dika hanya menggeleng.

"Kamu ingin ibu bersikap seperti apa ?" tanya saya.
"Biasa-biasa saja" jawab Dika singkat.
Beberapa kali saya berdiskusi dengan wali kelas dan kepala sekolah untuk mencari pemecahannya, namun sudah sekian lama tak ada kemajuan. Akhirnya kamipun sepakat untuk meminta bantuan seorang psikolog.

Suatu pagi, atas seijin kepala sekolah, Dika meninggalkan sekolah untuk menjalani test IQ. Tanpa persiapan apapun, Dika menyelesaikan soal demi soal dalam hitungan menit. Beberapa saat kemudian, psikolog yang tampil bersahaja namun penuh keramahan itu segera memberitahukan hasil testnya. Angka kecerdasan rata-rata anak saya mencapai 147 (Sangat Cerdas) di mana skor untuk aspek-aspek kemampuan pemahaman ruang, abstraksi, bahasa, ilmu pasti, penalaran, ketelitian dan kecepatan berkisar pada angka 140-160.

Ada satu kejanggalan, yaitu skor untuk kemampuan verbalnya tidak lebih dari 115 (Rata-rata Cerdas). Perbedaan yang mencolok pada 2 tingkat kecerdasan yang berbeda itulah yang menurut psikolog, perlu dilakukan pendalaman lebih lanjut. Oleh sebab itu psikolog itu dengan santun menyarankan saya untuk mengantar Dika kembali ke tempat itu seminggu lagi. Menurutnya Dika perlu menjalani test kepribadian.

Suatu sore, saya menyempatkan diri mengantar Dika kembali mengikuti serangkaian test kepribadian. Melalui interview dan test tertulis yang dilakukan, setidaknya psikolog itu telah menarik benang merah yang menurutnya menjadi salah satu atau beberapa faktor penghambat kemampuan verbal Dika. Setidaknya saya bisa membaca jeritan hati kecil Dika. Jawaban yang jujur dari hati Dika yang paling dalam itu membuat saya berkaca diri, melihat wajah seorang ibu yang masih jauh dari ideal.

Ketika psikolog itu menuliskan pertanyaan "Aku ingin ibuku :...." Dikapun menjawab: "membiarkan aku bermain sesuka hatiku, sebentar saja". Dengan beberapa pertanyaan pendalaman, terungkap bahwa selama ini saya kurang memberi kesempatan kepada Dika untuk bermain bebas. Waktu itu saya berpikir bahwa banyak ragam permainan-permainan edukatif sehingga saya merasa perlu menjawalkan kapan waktunya menggambar, kapan waktunya bermain puzzle, kapan waktunya bermain basket, kapan waktunya membaca buku cerita, kapan waktunya main game di komputer dan sebagainya.

Waktu itu saya berpikir bahwa demi kebaikan dan demi masa depannya, Dika perlu menikmati permainan-permainan secara merata di sela-sela waktu luangnya yang memang tinggal sedikit karena sebagian besar telah dihabiskan untuk sekolah dan mengikuti berbagai kursus di luar sekolah. Saya selalu pusing memikirkan jadwal kegiatan Dika yang begitu rumit.

Tetapi ternyata permintaan Dika hanya sederhana: diberi kebebasan bermain sesuka hatinya, menikmati masa kanak-kanaknya.

Ketika psikolog menyodorkan kertas bertuliskan "Aku ingin Ayahku..." Dikapun menjawab dengan kalimat yang berantakan namun kira-kira artinya "Aku ingin ayahku melakukan apa saja seperti dia menuntutku melakukan sesuatu" Melalui beberapa pertanyaan pendalaman, terungkap bahwa Dika tidak mau diajari atau disuruh, apalagi diperintah untuk melakukan ini dan itu. Ia hanya ingin melihat ayahnya melakukan apa saja setiap hari, seperti apa yang diperintahkan kepada Dika. Dika ingin ayahnya bangun pagi-pagi kemudian membereskan tempat tidurnya sendiri, makan dan minum tanpa harus dilayani orang lain, menonton TV secukupnya, merapikan sendiri koran yang habis dibacanya dan tidur tepat waktu. Sederhana memang, tetapi hal-hal seperti itu justru sulit dilakukan oleh kebanyakan orang tua.

Ketika psikolog mengajukan pertanyaan "Aku ingin ibuku tidak ..." Maka Dika menjawab "Menganggapku seperti dirinya" Dalam banyak hal saya merasa bahwa pengalaman hidup saya yang suka bekerja keras,disiplin, hemat, gigih untuk mencapai sesuatu yang saya inginkan itu merupakan sikap yang paling baik dan bijaksana. Hampir-hampir saya ingin menjadikan Dika persis seperti diri saya. Saya dan banyak orang tua lainnya seringkali ingin menjadikan anak sebagai foto copy diri kita atau bahkan beranggapan bahwa anak adalah orang dewasa dalam bentuk sachet kecil.

Ketika psikolog memberikan pertanyaan "Aku ingin ayahku tidak..." Dikapun menjawab "Tidak mempersalahkan aku di depan orang lain. Tidak mengatakan bahwa kesalahan-kesalahan kecil yang aku buat adalah dosa" Tanpa disadari, orang tua sering menuntut anak untuk selalu bersikap dan bertindak benar, hingga hampir-hampir tak memberi tempat kepadanya untuk berbuat kesalahan. Bila orang tua menganggap bahwa setiap kesalahan adalah dosa yang harus diganjar dengan hukuman, maka anakpun akan memilih untuk berbohong dan tidak mau mengakui kesalahan yang telah dibuatnya dengan jujur. Kesulitan baru akan muncul karena orang tua tidak tahu kesalahan apa yang telah dibuat anak, sehingga tidak tahu tindakan apa yang harus kami lakukan untuk mencegah atau menghentikannya.

Saya menjadi sadar bahwa ada kalanya anak-anak perlu diberi kesempatan Untuk berbuat salah, kemudian iapun bisa belajar dari kesalahannya. Konsekuensi dari sikap dan tindakannya yang salah adakalanya bisa menjadi pelajaran berharga supaya di waktu-waktu mendatang tidak membuat kesalahan yang serupa.

Ketika psikolog itu menuliskan "Aku ingin ibuku berbicara tentang ....." Dikapun menjawab "Berbicara tentang hal-hal yang penting saja". Saya cukup kaget karena waktu itu saya justru menggunakan kesempatan yang sangat sempit, sekembalinya dari kantor untuk membahas hal-hal yang menurut saya penting, seperti menanyakan pelajaran dan PR yang diberikan gurunya. Namun ternyata hal-hal yang menurut saya penting, bukanlah sesuatu yang penting untuk anak saya. Dengan jawaban Dika yang polos dan jujur itu saya dingatkan bahwa kecerdasan tidak lebih penting dari pada hikmat dan pengenalan akan Tuhan. Pengajaran tentang kasih tidak kalah pentingnya dengan ilmu pengetahuan.

Atas pertanyaan "Aku ingin ayahku berbicara tentang .....", Dikapun menuliskan "Aku ingin ayahku berbicara tentang kesalahan-kesalahan nya. Aku ingin ayahku tidak selalu merasa benar, paling hebat dan tidak pernah berbuat salah. Aku ingin ayahku mengakui kesalahannya dan meminta maaf kepadaku". Memang dalam banyak hal, orang tua berbuat benar tetapi sebagai manusia, orang tua tak luput dari kesalahan. Keinginan Dika sebenarnya sederhana, yaitu ingin orang tuanya sportif, mau mengakui kesalahnya dan kalau perlu meminta maaf atas kesalahannya, seperti apa yang diajarkan orang tua kepadanya.

Ketika psikolog menyodorkan tulisan "Aku ingin ibuku setiap hari........ " Dika berpikir sejenak, kemudian mencoretkan penanya dengan lancar " Aku ingin ibuku mencium dan memelukku erat-erat seperti ia mencium dan memeluk adikku" Memang adakalanya saya berpikir bahwa Dika yang hampir setinggi saya sudah tidak pantas lagi dipeluk-peluk, apalagi dicium-cium. Ternyata saya salah, pelukan hangat dan ciuman sayang seorang ibu tetap dibutuhkan supaya hari-harinya terasa lebih indah. Waktu itu saya tidak menyadari bahwa perlakukan orang tua yang tidak sama kepada anak-anaknya seringkali oleh anak-anak diterjemahkan sebagai tindakan yang tidak adil atau pilih kasih.

Secarik kertas yang berisi pertanyaan "Aku ingin ayahku setiap hari....." Dika menuliskan sebuah kata tepat di atas titik-titik dengan satu kata "tersenyum" Sederhana memang, tetapi seringkali seorang ayah merasa perlu menahan senyumannya demi mempertahankan wibawanya. Padahal kenyataannya senyuman tulus seorang ayah sedikitpun tidak akan melunturkan wibawanya, tetapi justru bisa menambah simpati dan energi bagi anak-anak dalam melakukan segala sesuatu seperti yang ia lihat dari ayahnya setiap hari.

Ketika psikolog memberikan kertas yang bertuliskan "Aku ingin ibuku memanggilku. ..." Dikapun menuliskan "Aku ingin ibuku memanggilku dengan nama yang bagus" Saya tersentak sekali ! Memang sebelum ia lahir kami telah memilih nama yang paling bagus dan penuh arti, yaitu Judika Ekaristi Kurniawan. Namun sayang, tanpa sadar, saya selalu memanggilnya dengan sebutan Nang atau Le. Nang dalam Bahasa Jawa diambil dari kata "Lanang" yang berarti laki-laki. Sedangkan Le dari kata "Tole". Waktu itu saya merasa bahwa panggilan tersebut wajar-wajar saja, karena hal itu merupakan sesuatu yang lumrah di kalangan masyarakat Jawa.

Ketika psikolog menyodorkan tulisan yang berbunyi "Aku ingin ayahku memanggilku .." Dika hanya menuliskan 2 kata saja, yaitu "Nama Asli". Selama ini suami saya memang memanggil Dika dengan sebutan "Paijo" karena sehari-hari Dika berbicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Sunda dengan logat Jawa medok. "Persis Paijo, tukang sayur keliling" kata suami saya.

Atas jawaban-jawaban Dika yang polos dan jujur itu, saya menjadi malu karena selama ini saya bekerja disebuah lembaga yang membela dan memperjuangkan hak-hak anak. Kepada banyak orang saya kampanyekan pentingnya penghormatan hak-hak anak sesuai dengan Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak Sedunia. Kepada khalayak ramai saya bagikan poster bertuliskan "To Respect Child Rights is an Obligation, not a Choise" sebuah seruan yang mengingatkan bahwa "Menghormati Hak Anak adalah Kewajiban, bukan Pilihan". Tanpa saya sadari, saya telah melanggar hak anak saya karena telah memanggilnya dengan panggilan yang tidak hormat dan bermartabat.

Dalam diamnya anak, dalam senyum anak yang polos dan dalam tingkah polah anak yang membuat orang tua kadang-kadang bangga dan juga kadang-kadang jengkel, ternyata ada banyak Pesan Yang Tak Terucapkan.

Seandainya semua ayah mengasihi anak-anaknya, maka tidak ada satupun anak yang kecewa atau marah kepada ayahnya. Anak-anak memang harus diajarkan untuk menghormati ayah dan ibunya, tetapi para ayah (orang tua) tidak boleh membangkitkan amarah di dalam hati anak-anaknya. Para ayah harus mendidik anaknya di dalam ajaran dan nasehat Tuhan.

Untuk menyambut Peringatan Hari Anak Nasional Tanggal 23 Juli 2008, saya ingin mengingatkan kembali kepada para orang tua supaya selalu berpikir, bersikap dan melakukan hal-hal yang dikehendaki Tuhan.

Sumber: Ditulis oleh Lesminingtyas

Mmm is this what we want for our child?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Foto Cica

Foto Cica di ambil sama Om Mayzal nih keren kan ternyata..... yang tadinya takut malah jadi suka banget difoto sampe nanya "besok foto lagi ya om Mayzal"

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Ride to Puncak

Puncak Pass view in the evening

On Saturday, Yufi and I decided to go for a ride to Puncak, yes with his beloved Bajaj Pulsar, anyway we sent Cica to my mom's with the help from my parents in law (they are having their own adventure as well at the moment, driving to Padang) we left our house at 2 PM.

We decided to go through Jalan Raya Bogor, because it's the closest track from the house and we thought all the people who work at factories along Jalan Raya Bogor, will not be out yet before 4 PM so the road will be less packed (God, we are so not right..), The weather in general at that time was awfully hot and Yufi wore this thick padded jacket he's just got earlier in the morning (yes, HOT, the insulation is made from fleece fabric which is supposedly being worn in a damn cold weather somewhere in a country up north errr Alaska? rather than in Jakarta) anyway we had to make a stop in an Indomaret minimarket to buy some drink. When I was roaming in the store, a lady was fainted in the store and no one actually cared, one store attendant tried to help by trying to pour a bottle full of alcohol on her, I was kinda yell at him (GOD, are you nuts!!) . I hurried to help her husband and slapped some "minyak angin" on to her forehead and neck then the husband tried to call someone when she was kind of conscious I left and paid my stuff.

We went through Sentul area, first was the infamous Sentul circuit then took a right turn, then cruised along the road passing through villages (well it is not called villages anymore but houses are on both side of the road, then passed some of beautiful (not to mention expensive) estates along the way one of them was of course Bukit Sentul Estate, the road condition could not really be called smooth..well just as normal as any other rural road would be just enough for two cars passing each other both ways at the same time, uneven surfaces are here and there but generally it was a cool ride along the area.

We finally reached to the back gate of this real estate called Rainbow Hills, most of the houses there are rather big and looked more like a mansion than a house to me, but most of them looked abandoned especially in the back area of the estate, then we passed a huge golf course, from the look of it, you have to drive a golf car to actually go from one hole to another (I was kind of remembered that I have been to this golf course before...then yes of course My dad played golf here as well last time), the houses around golf course area were in better condition than ones we previously passed. We got out of the estate then rode along the rural road, which was actually smaller than the rural road which we have passed off Sentul area, and it was steeper as well, we passed some beautiful some were very laid back villas, one of them caught Yufi and I attention, the house was medium size, made out of very simple material, made us think mmm how nice..imagine if we had a place like that to go for the weekend..

Then we passed Gunung Geulis Resort, this place I bet was even bigger than Rainbow Hills, guessing by its golf course size, a 39 hole golf course..after we passed the Resort we got to the Gadog area, finally..then we decided to have lunch at Cimory Resto (Cisarua Mountain Dairy) which known for its "fresh from their own farm" milk. The place is about 6 KM from Gadog, 2 storey building overlooking a mountain (I do not know which mountain is that), spacious car park (which always full with cars) and playground for children. The place consisted of a shop and a restaurant. The shop sells sausages (Kanzzler Brand), yoghurt (Yo-Lite brand), fresh milk (Cimory's own brand), some munchies and local snacks. The food served in the restaurant was mainly western apart from local specialties, where sausages took a quite big part on the menu list and of course Milk (milkshakes, fresh milk, etc), Yufi and I were more interested in trying the sausages menu so he ordered American Grilled sausage with Chocolate milk and I ordered German Bratwurst (do I spell it right?) with German spices and a coffee flavoured milk. The taste was okay, not genuinely delicious but nice. It also has a farm tour with various price range (lunch and souvenir are provided) for children and adult but the tour has to at least have minimum 40 people in it, they will take you around the farm, learn how to milk a cow, to see how fresh milk put into milk bottles and etc.

We then continued our ride to Gunung Mas Tea Plantation, the weather was getting cooler, we got to the Gunung Mas Tea Plantation had to pay Rp.6000 per person (since we were riding a motorcycle, we did not get charged for the transport, but they do charge for cars) with the amount you will get a free sachet (5 tea bags) of Walini Black Tea. The area was good for walking and cycling, the air was very fresh and they have bungalows for people to rent as well and the bungalows were also fully booked by families. Since both of us were lazy to walk so we went around without even getting off the bike hehehe. We might go back there again with Cica next time she could bring her bike then.

We then continued our ride to Puncak Pass. It was not quite different from last time I went there. We stopped over in a small warung to have coffee and just eyeing the scenery from the warung, the weather was cool and nice, I wonder whether it would still be this cool in the next 5 years.

We then went down from Puncak Pass at 6.30 PM, straight to home, we went through Bogor this time as Yufi said it would be quite scary if we passed Rainbow Hills during the time. We went through Depok then Pasar Minggu then finally arrived at My mom's house at 9 PM.

The only bummer was we did not bring a decent camera so.......

In general I loved it well although it was tiring and all your bones were aching (too much sitting and not too mentioned the seat cushion was far from comfortable) spent time with your lovely husband harassing and dissing each other hehehehe but I would love to do it again though , a bit farther then next time, we plan to go to Ciwidey next time.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Dilemma of a working mother

There will be a time when you realise that your children have grown up and they are not little babies anymore..and have I mentioned that I have encountered such moment? Yes last nite, My hubby and I just arrived in front of our little gate, I was just about to take off my helmet when I heard a squeaky loud voice (which funnily was very familiar to me) mumbled words which I couldn't comprehend at all in that very moment, then I finally enter our small carport and as I suspected, that was my cute daughter's voice, so I walked up to her in my very attentive gesture and asked her what was she mumbling on about, then this "thing" came out "Mamaaaa Cica mau beli sepeda yang lodanya duaaaaa ituuu yang kayak o'oow" (artinya: mama cica beliin otopet dong yang kayak teletubbies) well as based on our assistant report that one of the kid in our neighborhood has one, she tried the push scooter then decided that having one is kinda cool, so there she was with her demanding voice asking the very same scooter to us, her lovely parents.

That was when I realised that beneath her small but sturdy built, behind her cute little smiles and acting, she is not our little baby anymore, she has grown into a little kid because she already knows what she wanted...Okay that would be a classic mistake for us working parents that we sometimes (well okay most of the times) indulge our children with small, meaningless presents which we brought together with our arrival at home after work, so these little people got used to the treatment. When we finally realised that they actually do grow..then it is a little bit too late.

Now it is up to us to re-define the meaning of indulgent to these little people so they will not become demanding children one day because you know, we have to be wise and we have to teach them that in order to get things you have to work hard for it, or in this little people's case they have to be good like clean up their toys after playing and put those back in their storage, finish their meals, take a bath in time, never screams, etc, etc then I think..alright I would do that so Cica will not become a spoilt little girl (I said it over and over again in my heart that I will not OBEY to her SUMMOND of getting her a push scooter) in fact after work today, My hubby and I have plan to stop over at PIM to have a peep of this push scooter at toys store somewhere in there just to check how much it cost and maybe we will also check the price of children's helmet, knee and elbow pad, so that when Cica ride her push scooter and accidentally fall off then she would not get scratches on her knees and elbows.

Push scooters that Cica has been talking about.

And even today, her cute face is dancing before my eyes....and her mumbles keeps playing on my head....who's on earth would be able to resist buying things for their own children... especially if she looks like this..........

But for sure we will not get it for her as in TODAY (well we are on a tight budget rememberrrr) but I guess in the next couple of weeks I might.....

Now tell me....what do you think IF you were me?

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Reminiscence of the past's been a busy day..meeting with a very nice and polite client (okay it was only like 45 minutes or less I guess..) and trying to fix the dicussion (nearly there) and have sent an RFQ to China (was it China or Hongkong, damned they sounded the same) and still managed to peep on my facebook, downloaded 3 songs (Mas Ar would kill me if he knew about this) and browsed through my friends' blog and I ended up at Deki's Blog and look what I have found!! an old photos of us in kindie when we were doing this manasik Haji thing, Amazing aye.....looking at the photo reminds me of the past I just can't believe I am this old now hehehehehe

It is over...

Why good days gone so fast? you can't really recall what have been happening for the last 2 weeks, of course not, 2 weeks have been very cruisy....relax...and it will be over today soon because all the bosses are coming in (sigh) OHHHHHHH and projects are lining up already...

Okay now...calm professional...inhale and exhale....

Friday, May 02, 2008

Just (I'd like it to be) an ordinary day

Okay..I think I am not a writer material am I only post to this blog only when I am sort of lost all the fun from browsing the net.
Okay..usually I would say that I had been so tight up at work but okay I am being honest that it's been very cruisy weeks I hope that it will still be cruisy for weeks my dream!!! projects are lining up to be commissioned, another trip to whatever land...

And a mother, it's our nature to brag about our children..My Cica is the cutest girl in the whole damned world (right this is a bit too much) okay well she's progressing really well somewhat a little bit out of control, GOD I am so desperate, she knows how to push our buttons by being so stubborn (which Mom said it is "so Intan") and with her password "kalo gitu nanti Cica-nya nangiss deeh" I'm trying to figure out how to mend this stubborness and also to minimize the effect of her knowing that she is so "Oh precious" to her parents and family. Okay one step at a time. I Love her dearly oh and another thing is she is currently going through an oedipus complex where I as her mother seen as the most precious thing in her life ha ha ha ha ha darling Mama feels honored.

Okay Im just gonna write the summary about what have been happening in my life the since beginning of this year specifically the last couple of months:

My hubby has been so caught up with his "bro-calling" new mates whose accidentally (surprised!!) happen to have the same interest in BAJAJ PULSAR and he's been obsessed (not too chronic thank God) to his lovely bike...

Me? Okay apart from having to sign (I think more of a FORCED rather than an offer) this contract paper because I opted to go for Training in Malaysia (GOD that was dead boring-meeting old friends and enjoying glasses of margaritas are much better-training) but the food especially at this fusion resto in the posh mall next to the boulevard mall was kind of super!! is still looking for a job, another one..I dunno I believe that somewhat I am not underpaid...but why do I feel like I am like every single month especially after sending all those lovely money to all the envelopes where they belong shit aye...

Anyhow..need a holiday aye..but not now since we are still struggling with the finance thingy and all the lovely life problems of our lovely big family (OOOHHH THAT IS JUST WONDERFUL..) but we are here smiling our heart out.

but hey with or without holiday..I guess my life has been pretty much cool the best if I count Cica in (without the famous tantrum)..well like Felie and Joey said.."Yes it is not as cool as our life used to be but hey we are standing on our own both damned feet bebeh" and isn't that something to celebrate?